Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Doula Work and Motherhood

Chasing the Pot of Gold in the Rainbow of Balance

It’s not unusual for the call to join a doula family at their birth to come in the dead of the night.  In fact, it’s so common that I was talking to the kids’ babysitter today about how for once *I* was finally here to greet her when she came to get the kids instead of my husband doing the handoff just before leaving for work.

When I am summoned in the middle of the night, in the sleepy dim light of my home I give myself time to get ready in a way that centers me and helps me enter the birth space in a focused and open mindset.  Some of the steps might include…

  • feeding myself healthy, nourishing food and hydrating
  • using a mindfulness practice like Breath Awareness or Circular Breathing to calm my mind
  • praying for guidance for myself and a positive experience for the family
  • reviewing notes I took during prenatal appointments on which pain coping methods the mom finds most helpful, what kind of touch she likes from her partner, if she likes aromatherapy, candles, a rebozo, etc.
Birthing from Within San Antonio

Today the call to a birth came in right after a scooter ride around our neighborhood with my children and their friend.  We were wrapping up a little post-scooter playtime with family friends when the message came in...time to head to the hospital.  This is what preparing for a birth looked like with my children home and awake…

  • feed children lunch.  Tell children to stop hitting/chasing/teasing each other and eat their lunch before the sitter got here.
  • oh yeah and finding some food for myself while waiting for water to boil.
  • taking a shower to wash off Texas summer scooter ride, joined by my son who totally invited himself.  This shower was interrupted by the scalding water of a flushing toilet (because why would he go potty BEFORE getting in the shower?) and my daughter bursting the shower door open to ask me which day in July it was.  
  • Getting my work clothes on in between gathering swimming clothes and a regular change of clothes for my kids to take to the sitter’s house with them.
  • explaining why my daughter couldn’t pour herself a glass of pomegranate juice while she had a glass of milk and a glass of Honest Kids juice still sitting on the table.
  • talking to/lecturing my son about how to clean up the full glass of milk he spilled on the floor.
  • installing two car seats in the babysitter’s car at 2 pm in the aforementioned summer heat.
  • brushing my teeth and running out the door, stopping to turn off my daughter’s light on the way.

Birthing from Within San Antonio

So yeah, there are a few differences between getting ready for a birth with kids around vs. kids tucked snugly in their beds.  It was a good opportunity to see how easy I have in when the call comes in at 3 am, and also to remember that birth and parenting are all about being flexible and rolling with what comes.  So while I may not have taken the zen spirit out the door with me (that’s what the car ride was designated for today) I did get to take the spirit of resilience, adaptability, and love for myself and others regardless of the circumstances out the door with me.  Thanks, kids!

Monday, February 9, 2015

No, I’m Not Going to Teach You How to Breathe

Disspelling Myths About Childbirth Education Classes

Sometimes I’ll get calls from people inquiring about my Birthing from Within or Birthing Again classes where the interested party asks if I teach moms how to breathe.  No, I’m not going to teach you how to breathe.  That is a skill that you learned a long, long, long time ago when you were just a little older than your own gestating baby.  

Controlled breathing patterns are what we have seen in movies and heard from our own parents for decades as the go-to way of coping with labor pain.  Interestingly enough, Lamaze does not even teach these trademark breathing patterns anymore.  

So does that mean we skip the breathing and pain coping thing all together?  Quite the contrary.  In Birthing from Within we spend about ¼ of the class series on pain coping alone.  That’s 3 hours of my class series spent doing hands-on practice of coping with pain and working with your partner to support you through practice contractions.  

I will not teach you how to breathe.  I will, however teach you how focusing on your breath can diminish the emotional suffering that is often linked to painful physical sensation.

I will teach you how to incorporate the sensations around you, including your breath, to help you not get thrown off by external stimuli as you work through contractions.  I will teach you an ancient practice for using the breath to bring energy back into an exhausted body.  I will teach you the power of using your voice to cope with pain with every exhale.  

I trust your body’s innate wisdom to know how to breathe during birth.  I will help you work with what your mind and body already know about breathing (and coping, and working through difficult situations, and collaborating with your partner, and and and…) to work toward your own focused, mindful place.  

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Surviving Postpartum

Three Tips to Help Moms Through the First Six Weeks After Birth

So much build up, so much excitement at the end of pregnancy about meeting your new baby!  The nursery is decorated, the onesies are organized, and the car seat is installed.  The anticipation is palpable.  

Immediately after birth there is a sigh of may be a sigh of a mother’s heart being overwhelmed with love for her baby, or a sigh of gratitude that the labor is finally over.  Either way, there is usually a certain light feeling in those first postpartum hours and days.  

Until the hormone drop.  At three days postpartum mom’s hormones take a big drop and she may feel overwhelmed with baby’s intense needs, unsure about breastfeeding, or tired from waking up with the baby several times overnight.  80% of moms will experience baby blues in the first few weeks...feeling weepy, anxious, or overwhelmed at times.  So what can be done to ease the transition for everyone?

1) Allow yourself time to rest.  In Mexico women practice the tradition of the “cuarentena”...40 days of rest where mom’s only jobs are to heal and care for the baby.  Family members take care of the cooking, cleaning, and other chores while the mother has a chance to recover.  

After birth there is a wound in your uterus the size of a dinner plate.  Even if you feel good, allow your body time to heal itself.  Nursing allows many opportunities to sit down and put your feet up.  In fact, crawling into bed for some skin to skin time with your little one will be beneficial for you and your baby.  Take advantage of any opportunities to catch up on sleep during the day.  The laundry and dust bunnies can wait.  Which bring me to my next point…

2) Accept help from others.  Make a list of chores that regularly have to be completed in your family - laundry, dishes, sweeping, walking the dogs, taking older children to extracurricular activities, etc.  Hang it up on your refrigerator so that visitors can choose an item from the list to help you with.  This can help take some of the awkward feelings out of asking other people to do things for you.

Remember that oftentimes people WANT to help!  Welcoming a new baby into a family is a very special time and friends and extended family love to be a part of that.  It’s a favor to both of you to let them support you in these early days.  You get an extra set of hands and they get the satisfaction of being a part of your family’s transition.  If you don’t have friends or family around to help you, consider enlisting the services of a postpartum doula.

3) Adjust your standards of yourself and others.  Don’t try to hit the gym two weeks postpartum or host Thanksgiving dinner days after giving birth.  You don’t have to keep a spotless house or put everyone else’s needs first to be enough.  Getting through your day with baby is all that you need to do.  Set realistic goals and be gentle with yourself if getting back into the swing of things take longer than you expected.  

While you are accepting help from others, keep in mind that your mother-in-law won’t load the dishwasher the same way you do and your husband won’t fold pants like you.  Ask yourself, “Do I need this done the “right” way or do I need it done?”  In most cases getting things done will be adequate, even if it’s not up to your usual standards.  

Dear mother, know that you are deserving of rest, assistance, and relaxed expectations during this time.  The postpartum period calls for COMPASSION above all else.